“CHILDREN OF EDEN” Local Auditions — La Comedia Dinner Theatre in Springboro, Ohio, is holding an open call audition for its upcoming production of CHILDREN OF EDEN on Saturday, March 8, at 10:00 a.m. at 765 W. Central Ave., Springboro, Ohio.

FATHER: 35-60, An impressive man, truly a father figure. Protective, loving, wants the
best for his children, but parents with a firm hand. A5-G3
ADAM: 20-30, Bright and childlike, devout, loving, hard-working yet reserved. A5-A3
CAIN: 18-25, Abel's older, adventurous brother. Follows in his mother's footsteps of
longing for what is in the world. He is strong, stubborn and independent. A5-B3
ABEL: 18-25, Cain's younger more conservative brother who follows the rules. G5-B3
SETH: 18-25 Adam and Eve's third son and the family's second chance at life.
Innocently adventurous E5-B3
NOAH: 20-30, Rough but simple. He is shrewd, but also warm and loyal. He builds an
ark to save his family and honor Father. A5-A3
JAPETH: 18-25, He is in love with Yonah and is willing to sacrifice his life to be with
her. Clever, rebellious, stubborn, Noah's youngest child.
HAM: 18-25, He is Noah's middle child, not as docile as Japeth, nor hot headed as
Shem. G5-B3
SHEM: 18-25, Noah's oldest child, hot headed, strong and impulsive. E5-B3
SNAKE: 18-25, the slick, smooth talking reptile that convinces Eve to try the apple. G5-B3

EVE: 20-30, Curious and questioning, smart and excited. Chose and imperfect life of
knowledge over and a perfect life of innocence. A5-G3
MAMA: 20-30, Noah's wife and very motherly. She possesses gentle strength and
serves as the mediator for the family. A5-G3
YONAH: 18-25, Noah's servant who falls in love with his son Japeth. She is strong,
humble, kind and smart. G5-G3
APHRA: 18-25, Ham's pregnant wife, a constant worrier. E5-B3
AYSHA: 18-25, Shem's wife, bitter and constantly accusing of others. E5-B3

YOUNG CAIN: 10-13, The older of the two brothers, curious and questioning. D5-B3
YOUNG ABEL: 8-11, The younger of the two brothers, favors Adam, obedient and
devout. D5-B3

STORYTELLERS: Strong singers to act as ensemble members throughout the
production and understudy principle roles. Ages 18+
Please prepare a 32 bar cut of a standard Musical Theatre song. Please provide a
current headshot and resume.

All rehearsals and performances take place in Springboro, OH.
Rehearsals: April 21 – May 4 (Mon-Sat 9 AM – 6 PM).
Tech: May 5 - 7.
Performances: May 8 – June 15. Thurs-Sun matinees and evenings.
Performers are paid biweekly. Meal each performance, gym membership, workman’s
comp provided.
If you have questions, or for more information, email artisticdirector@lacomedia.com
If you are unable to attend the in-person audition on the 8th, you may send resume,
headshot, and video before that day to submissions@lacomedia.com